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Why are Instagram influencers too expensive for brands?

Influencer marketing has become crucial for brands on Instagram. However, the high costs of influencers raise questions. Several factors influence these prices, such as the reach and engagement of followers, or specialization in an industry. This introduction explores the reasons for these costs.

Determinants of Influencer Pricing

Instagram influencer prices are influenced by several factors. These include reach and follower engagement, as well as domain specialization.

Reach and Engagement

Reach and engagement are key to determining how much an influencer can charge. They consist of the number of followers and the engagement rate.

Number of Followers

The number of followers is often the most direct indicator of an influencer's reach. The more followers an influencer has, the more they can generally charge. We distinguish :

  • Nano-influencers: 1,000 to 10,000 followers

  • Micro-influencers: 10,000 to 100,000 followers

  • Mid Tier: 100,000 to 500,000 followers

  • Macro-influencers: 500,000 to 1,000,000 followers

  • Mega-influencers: more than 1,000,000 followers

Engagement Rate

Engagement rate measures follower interaction with the influencer's content. A high engagement rate means that followers are commenting, liking and sharing the influencer's posts. This rate is often more crucial than the number of followers, because it indicates an active and interested audience.

Influencers with high engagement rates can often achieve better results for brands, even with fewer followers.

Specialization and Industry

Specialization in a particular field and the industry in which an influencer operates can significantly impact their pricing.

Alignment with Brand Values

It is crucial that the chosen influencers are aligned with the brand's values ​​and image. Good alignment ensures better reception of the brand's message by the influencer's followers.

Influencers whose content reflects similar values ​​to the brand may charge higher rates because of this consistency and compatibility.

Specific Expertise

Some influencers have specific expertise in a particular field, such as beauty, fashion, fitness, or technology. This expertise is valuable for brands that want to target specific niches.

Highly specialized influencers can justify higher rates due to their in-depth knowledge and credibility in their field of business.

Types of Influencers and their Prices

The different categories of influencers on Instagram vary according to their number of followers and their influence, which directly impacts their prices.


Advantages of Nano-Influencers

Nano-influencers typically have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. They have a high engagement rate and a personal relationship with their followers. These influencers can offer targeted and authentic campaigns.

  • High engagement

  • Personal relationship with subscribers

  • Affordable rates

Nano-Influencer Pricing

Nano-influencers have relatively low prices, often between 10 and 100 euros per post. These amounts vary depending on the type of content and the nature of the collaboration.


Benefits of Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers have between 10,000 and 100,000 followers. They combine substantial engagement with a growing audience, making them attractive for specific niche collaborations.

  • Good range

  • Substantial commitment

  • Ability to reach specific niches

Micro-Influencer Pricing

These influencers can ask for between 100 and 500 euros per post. Pricing is influenced by the complexity of the content and specific brand requirements.

Mid Tier Influencers

Benefits of Mid Tier Influencers

Mid tier influencers have between 100,000 and 500,000 followers. They offer a wide scope with relatively good engagement, perfect for more ambitious campaigns.

  • Wide scope

  • Reasonable commitment

  • Increased visibility

Pricing for Mid Tier Influencers

Their prices are between 500 and 2,000 euros per post. This cost depends on the scale and specificity of the campaign undertaken.


Benefits of Macro-Influencers

Macro-influencers have between 500,000 and 1,000,000 subscribers. They bring massive visibility and are ideal for general campaigns aimed at reaching a wide audience.

  • Massive reach

  • Good brand visibility

  • Ability to influence trends

Macro-Influencer Pricing

In this segment, prices vary between 2,000 and 10,000 euros per post. Costs may increase depending on the complexity of the campaign and specific expectations.


Benefits of Mega-Influencers

Mega-influencers have more than a million subscribers. They are capable of generating a colossal impact and reaching millions of people through their publications.

  • Extremely high visibility

  • Significant impact on trends

  • Opportunity to reach an international audience

Mega-Influencer Pricing

The costs associated with mega-influencers are very high, ranging from 10,000 to several hundred thousand euros per post. These awards reflect their enormous reach and the importance of their publications in global campaigns.

Content and Effort Required

When a brand collaborates with an Instagram influencer, there are several elements of content and effort to consider to ensure a successful campaign.

Types of Requested Content

The type of content requested by the brand may vary depending on the campaign. This includes, for example:

  • Posts on Instagram feed

  • Stories Instagram

  • Reels and videos

  • IGTV

  • Carousel content

Necessary Resources

Content Creation

Content creation engages the creative talent of the influencer. He or she must often develop original concepts, script videos and choose filming locations. High-quality equipment, such as professional cameras and lighting, may also be required to ensure an aesthetic and eye-catching result.

Time and Effort

Creating authentic, quality content takes a lot of time. This includes planning, filming, editing and reviewing. A single post can require several hours of work, not counting the back and forth for adjustments requested by the brand. Stories, while temporary, also require careful attention to detail to ensure they resonate with audiences.

Publication Frequency

Publication frequency can greatly influence costs. Brands may request a certain number of posts per week or month, which increases the influencer's workload. A regular posting schedule requires careful management and ongoing engagement, adding to the effort required from the influencer.

Request and Exclusivity

Popular influencers on Instagram often see high demand from brands. Understanding aspects of this demand as well as the implications of exclusivity is essential.

Popular Influencers and their Demand

The most popular influencers attract many brands because of their large audiences and ability to generate engagement. However, this popularity comes at a cost. The more in demand an influencer is, the higher their prices will be. This is due to the law of supply and demand.

Indeed, brands are willing to pay high prices to access their large fan base and benefit from their credibility. This high demand limits the availability of these influencers and justifies higher costs.

Content Usage Rights

When brands collaborate with influencers, they must also take into account the usage rights of the content created. Usage rights directly influence the total cost of the campaign.

In general, influencers charge additional fees to grant brands the rights to use their photos, videos or stories beyond the duration of the campaign. This may include use in paid advertisements, on websites or in other marketing materials.

The more extensive the rights, the higher the prices will be. It is therefore crucial for brands to clearly define their content rights needs in order to avoid unforeseen costs.

Exclusivity and Pricing

Exclusivity is another important factor that can influence influencer pricing. When brands want an exclusive partnership with an influencer, they should expect to pay a premium.

This exclusivity may mean that the influencer will not be able to promote other competing brands for the duration of the contract. It offers an important advantage for the brand by limiting the visibility of its potential competitors. However, this also restricts the influencer's earning opportunities.

Therefore, influencers charge higher fees to compensate for this limitation. Brands must therefore carefully evaluate whether exclusivity justifies the additional cost and whether it is essential to achieving their business goals.

Relationship of Costs to Business Objectives

Understanding how influencer costs relate to business goals is essential to maximizing digital marketing investments.

Achieve Brand Objectives

Brand goals play a crucial role in determining fees associated with influencer campaigns. A brand may seek to increase awareness, drive sales, or increase audience engagement. These objectives determine the resources needed and, therefore, the costs involved.

For example, a brand aiming to increase awareness might choose to work with macro-influencers to reach a large audience, even if this involves higher costs. On the other hand, to increase engagement and loyalty, micro-influencers with more engaged audiences may be more profitable.

Profitability of Campaigns

For influencer spending to be justified, it is crucial to measure the profitability of campaigns. This includes analyzing return on investment (ROI) and evaluating the added value created by influencers.

ROI and Added Value

Return on investment (ROI) is an essential metric for evaluating the effectiveness of influencer campaigns. It makes it possible to measure the financial gains generated in relation to the costs spent. A high ROI indicates a successful and profitable campaign.

The added value can include various aspects such as increased traffic to the website, better brand recognition, and increased engagement on social media. These elements contribute to the overall growth of the brand and justify the costs incurred.

Monitoring and Analysis of Results

Monitoring and analyzing results is crucial for evaluating the success of campaigns and adjusting future strategies. Analytical tools allow you to measure the performance of publications, the engagement generated, and the conversions achieved.

By analyzing these results in detail, brands can identify the most effective influencers and optimize their future partnerships. This also makes it possible to adjust allocated budgets and maximize the profitability of investments.

Targeted Social Media Platforms

Brands should choose social media platforms carefully to maximize the impact of their marketing campaigns. Comparing different platforms highlights their individual advantages.

Instagram and its Benefits

Instagram is a visual platform that allows brands to present their products in an attractive way. With its millions of daily active users, it is an unprecedented opportunity to engage a large audience.

Features like Stories, IGTV, and Reels offer varied formats for content. Brands can reach a diverse audience and benefit from immediate engagement through reactions, comments and shares.

Comparison with Other Platforms


YouTube is a very popular video sharing platform, ideal for longer, in-depth content. YouTube influencers can create tutorials, product reviews, and vlogs that captivate audiences.

Its active comment space allows for deep interactions between creators and viewers. However, producing content on YouTube may require more resources and time, resulting in higher costs.


TikTok is known for its short, dynamic videos that can quickly go viral. The platform attracts a young and engaged audience, which provides a great opportunity for brands targeting this demographic.

The challenge lies in the need for constant creativity to adapt to changing trends. Spontaneity and authenticity are crucial to the success of campaigns on TikTok.


Facebook remains a versatile platform with a strong user base and advanced targeting tools. Brands can use different forms of content, such as videos, photos, and articles, to reach a diverse audience.

Groups and pages offer dedicated communities where discussions and engagements are rich. Facebook also stands for targeted paid advertising, which allows campaigns to be optimized based on audience interests and behaviors.

Establish a Realistic Budget

Setting a realistic budget is crucial to maximizing the effectiveness of Instagram influencer campaigns.

Set Priorities

The first step to establishing a realistic budget is to clearly define the priorities of the campaign. It is essential to identify the key objectives: increase brand awareness, generate sales, or drive engagement. This will help focus resources on the most important aspects.

Allocate Resources

Once priorities are set, it is crucial to allocate resources wisely. This includes dividing the budget between different types of influencers and content creation efforts. A good strategy is to diversify the influencer portfolio, tapping nano, micro and macro influencers to maximize reach and engagement.

Content Creation

The time and effort required for content creation should also be considered. It is often necessary to invest in producing high-quality photos and videos, which may require hiring professionals. Additionally, popular influencers can request additional budgets for more creative and personalized campaigns.

Time and Effort

Managing an influencer campaign requires considerable time and effort. Be sure to set aside resources to track campaign performance and adjust strategies in real time. This proactive management can mean the difference between a successful campaign and an ineffective spend.

Price Negotiation

Negotiating rates is a crucial aspect of setting a realistic budget. It is essential to have a good understanding of industry standard rates and be prepared to negotiate to get the best value for your money. This may involve discussing content usage rights and the duration of the campaign.

  • Compare influencer offers and choose the one that offers the best compromise between cost and performance.

  • Take into account the value added by the influencer in terms of creativity and authenticity.

By negotiating effectively, it is possible to work with high-quality influencers while staying within a realistic budget.

How to Work Effectively with Influencers

Working with influencers effectively requires a strategic and well-planned approach. Here are some key steps to get there.

Choosing the Right Influencer

Choosing a suitable influencer is paramount to the success of any influencer marketing campaign. It is essential to consider not only the number of followers, but also the relevance of the influencer to the brand's values ​​and goals.

A good influencer must share values ​​compatible with those of the brand and have an audience that corresponds to the desired target. Analyzing their previous posts, engagement rate, and overall reputation in the industry is necessary to make an informed choice.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Networks and Negotiations

Establishing successful partnerships relies on transparent and mutually beneficial negotiations. Clearly defining the expectations, objectives and compensation of each party is essential from the start.

Influencers’ professional and personal networks can also be leveraged to expand the reach of the campaign. A good partnership should include negotiations on the content, timing, and scope of publications.

Mutual trust

Trust is a fundamental element in any collaboration. To build this trust, it is crucial to maintain open and honest communication with the influencer.

Influencers should feel valued and respected for their creativity and expertise. A trusting relationship allows for smoother collaboration and increases the likelihood of positive outcomes.

Campaign Management

Monitoring and Reporting

Constant monitoring and reporting is essential to measure the success of the campaign. Metrics such as engagement, reach, and return on investment (ROI) should be evaluated regularly.

Powerful monitoring tools allow you to collect precise data and adjust the strategy in real time if necessary. Comprehensive reporting ensures that brand goals are met and appropriate adjustments are made.

Problems solving

During the campaign, various problems may arise, such as misunderstandings or unforeseen events. The ability to resolve these issues quickly and efficiently is crucial to maintaining a smooth collaboration.

Having crisis management procedures in place and being available for rapid communications helps minimize disruption. Agile and proactive problem solving strengthens the relationship with the influencer and ensures campaign continuity.

The Superiority of YouTube Influencer Marketing: Maximizing ROI for Brands & Startups in 2024

YouTube influencer marketing stands as the preferred choice for brands and stars due to its ability to deliver compelling, long-form content. Unlike Instagram's limitations with static images and short videos, YouTube allows influencers to delve deeper into topics, showcase product features comprehensively, and build stronger connections with their audience. This extended format enables influencers to craft more nuanced and convincing narratives, ultimately leading to higher levels of consumer engagement and conversion rates.

Moreover, YouTube's robust analytics and targeting capabilities provide brands with invaluable insights to optimize their campaigns effectively. With detailed data on viewership demographics, engagement metrics, and audience behavior, brands can identify influencers whose audience closely aligns with their target market. This precision targeting, coupled with YouTube's sophisticated options like interest-based targeting and remarketing, ensures maximum relevance and impact, surpassing the comparatively limited analytics and targeting features of Instagram.

Additionally, YouTube's evergreen nature and searchability offer enduring visibility and discoverability for influencer content. While Instagram's transient content quickly fades into users' feeds, YouTube videos maintain relevance over time, attracting organic traffic long after initial publication. This sustained exposure not only maximizes ROI by prolonging the lifespan of influencer campaigns but also enhances brand recall and recognition among consumers, making YouTube influencer marketing a superior choice for brands and stars aiming to amplify their reach and resonance.